Freitag, 29. Mai 2009

Regen im sonnigen Burjatien

Selbst bei uns im sonnigen Burjatien regenet es manchmal :-( Gestern hatten wir nur 6°C brrrrr. Nur gut, dass ich nirgend wo hin musste!!!! :-)

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…
Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.
Inka in Ulan-Ude hat gesagt…

People who think they can use this blog to write lies about Jesus Christ and not evan leave a propper adress, should not wonder when I delete their comment.

Anonym hat gesagt… name is Hamid..this is not my invention to demage or upset you..
but i writed some facts about Jesus , real name is Eisa...
i have so strong evidences...
if you are conditioned the church's lies, perhaps, you can not see the facts about Jesus...
Jesus is latinized name..
Christ is Greek name..
but Eisa is the real name of Messenger of Allah.
he nver attributed himself to himself. he attributed Islam..
he is never Christian.......
he is a Muslim.
if you want to write your blog,, you can send me any mail if you want to find true wayy.
Thanks your politeness...
from Turkey.

Inka in Ulan-Ude hat gesagt…

Ok Hamid, I understand that you think you are right, but I have proof in the Bible that Jesus is Immanuel, the Christ, the Missiah

Jesus (that is, Jehoshua - Jehovah-saved)
Christ (anointed, that is, the Messiah)
Immanuel (with us (is) God;)

I don't believe in church lies, but in the Bible as the Word of God!!!

And of course I know that you think he was just a prophet. But maybe you try to read the Old and the New Testament. The story of Abram/Abraham (in Genesis)and his sons is very important for you, too.
But there is a lot more for example Isaiah 53!
And the gosple of John shows so clearly that Jesus is more then just a human being.
May God bless you